
posted:name [3mRiO7rNePk.15] 20/03/15 15:10:15

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Bulletin board

1No name[3mRiO7rNePk.15] 20/05/01 11:51:40
初週   2週目  3週目  4週目   5週目  6週目  7週目  8週目  累計   初動率  発売日
FF7    2,034,879  329,740  167,865  *77,548  103,093  72,666  63,634  54,542  3,277,766  62.1%  '97/01/31(金)
FF8    2,504,044  270,993  205,779  144,695  102,727  65,830  44,678  30,544  3,501,588  71.5%  '99/02/11(木)
FF9    1,954,421  328,404  123,827  *78,983  *37,783  37,783  22,984  16,620  2,707,301  72.2%  '00/07/07(金)
FF10.   1,749,737  233,429  *85,703  *47,152  *37,582  25,033  16,861  10,558  2,325,215  75.3%  '01/07/19(木)
FF10-2 .1,472,914  181,798  *80,295  *45,039  *30,171  20,277  15,679  11,041  1,960,937  75.1%  '03/03/13(木)
FF12.   1,840,397  217,438  *91,078  *45,495  *26,816  18,868  16,351  13,680  2,322,541  79.2%  '06/03/16(木)
FF13.   1,516,532  181,724  104,039  *35,441  *16,409  *7,579  *5,561  *3,767  1,871,052  81.1%  '09/12/17(木)
FF13-2 . 524,217  118,816 


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