It is a site where you can post your work to publish photos and CG, Flash, music, and movies.
You can upload images and SWF, MP3, FLV, MPG, and 3GPP, ZIP files of up to 60MB, we are able to listen or watch on the fly according to the format.
You can also exchange information on the bulletin board for each file.
Feel free to upload.
You put the upload page from the menu.
Beginners welcome creative! Please utilize training and testing, draft, etc. even graffiti!!
The mobile version can be accessed ( URL same.
QR code are also available.
It also supports uploading via email from a mobile phone.
With the "MULTIPP", you can like this.
In addition there is a use of course, here You will explain how to use the main.
You will be able to sharing and upload it to Chipu whole, videos, and songs made illustrations and drawn by yourself, and you want to edit.
Writing and the opinions and thoughts of the file that you browse, you will be able to communicate with the person of the author.
This site is developing a file upload service you can upload files freely.
Service of this site is free for all, no warranty.
For damages suffered due to the use of this web site, the administrator will not be liable.
Please use caution, especially in such communication fee.
Images, etc. are not suitable for the healthy development of young people, we will put an age limit here, regardless of the presence or absence of the hidden password.
If the terminal that is the age verification, you will be able to browse any file age limit.
Also, if you do not have a custom list that age limit, You will not be able to view the file age limit.
They are prohibited from direct file link, such as to image. You redirect all the pages in the file.
Is also prohibited, such as access from external viewer application. Please see all over the web browser.
(Left if access continues to be) will be removed hidden password configuration file that has been uploaded to the site, and half a year has elapsed since the last access.
This web site does not matter if you upload some unfinished as work practice and drafts, such as graffiti.
Files, such as files and invite immoral, and sexual lust, We will delete it at the discretion of the administrator.
The following data, please do not because there is a high possibility that could be deemed illegal, an appeal can be uploaded or downloaded.
These files may be deleted without confirmation uploaded.
Thank you for your consideration viewers so that they do not also uncomfortable, do not trample and hardships of the creator, the struggle of the people in order to secure market.
Writing to the board with respect to, contrary to public order and morals, shall be conducive to crime, but offensive to others, I will remove the ads and more.
In addition, such as writing a non-constructive slander against no creator, of advice, you may want to remove it is determined that nonsense.